Monday, January 17, 2011

The BIG Three

Ever since I can remember Windows, Apple and Linux’s Operating Systems have been competing for affection from the public and so far Windows and Apple have won. I want to talk about the underdog and explain why it has not gained market share as much as big brothers and how it can change. It is all about the user and the user’s comfort. Human behavior does not like change and when we are used to something it all we know and like which is why most people prefer Windows or Apple OS.

The dark side…..

The dark side is the side of operating systems some do not know: LINUX. Linux is better defined as Unix-like operating systems that use kernel called “Linux” which was written by Linus Torvald. People may have heard some things here and there about Linux but not enough to want to learn how to use it since the myths of use complexity have clouded the end user’s judgment. In all honesty, it is not hard at all to use. Here are some facts:

1. IT IS OPEN SOURCE!!!! This means that not only is it FREE to download and use, but the code can also be customized to the user’s liking.

2. Just like ice cream, it comes in different “flavors” o r “distributions” which means there plenty to choose from. Some known flavors are: Ubuntu, Fedora, Mandriva, Open SUSE, FreBSD and Red Hat.

3. FREE SOFTWARE!!!! Linux distros offer thousands of free software packages that are easy to install from the OS shopping cart.

4. No drivers. Everyone knows that having to deal with drivers is kind of annoying. NO MORE. Linux distributions are driver-free and will be able to recognize almost every computer component on the market.

5. Support is given by people that really care about the open source movement and will stop at nothing to help others. Even though there is not number you can call to for support, you will always find the answer.

The list goes on and on, but there are so many good things about running such a robust OS that it would be hard to completely say everything. My advice is to try it out and I promise you will not be disappointed.

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